About Karen


Welcome to my page! I've loved books my whole life and find tremendous joy in writing. Tikkun Olam is a Hebrew idiom meaning "to heal the world" through ...

Award-Winning Novel

Karen's award-winning novel Freshman Mom is available in paperback and electronic format at Amazon.com and at Barnes and Noble.com. This book tells the ...

Published Memoirs

For a real-life depiction of what it’s like to go back to school as a working mom, read my essay titled “A Degree or Diapers?” in Chicken Soup for the ...



I really do believe this novel has a solid market. So many people in this country going into second careers, second lives, and extra education. Your story brims with humanity, and I think that's the aspect that will most appeal to people." -- 

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Judge, 22nd Annual Writer's Digest Self Published Book Awards

I really do believe this novel has a solid market. So many people in this country going into second careers, second lives, and extra education. Your story brims with humanity, and I think that's the aspect that will most appeal to people." -- 

Judge, 22nd Annual Writer's Digest Self Published Book Awards

"Karen Gorback's contemporary fiction novel, Freshman Mom, is a feel-good story that works.  Meredith has given herself a second chance to live her dreams, and it's just grand watching as her world expands."

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Jack Magnus for ReadersFavorite.com

"Karen Gorback's contemporary fiction novel, Freshman Mom, is a feel-good story that works.  Meredith has given herself a second chance to live her dreams, and it's just grand watching as her world expands."

Jack Magnus for ReadersFavorite.com

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